Sunday, October 17, 2021

Overbreak: Result of poor Blasting

                        A Technical overview of Overbreak
B.O. Taiwo*
Giant Miner
*Graduate of Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria 
author's mail:
Abstract: The presence of boulders in the blasted muck causes not only loss in production, but also increases the cost of hauling. In another words, the cost and efficiency of mucking, loading, and Comminution operations (crushing and grinding) will be highly altered by the outcome of blasting operation. This article give detail explanation about the causes and effect of overbreak during blasting. It point out the ways to control and minimize blast overbreak and give recommendation on the ways to improve blasting operation and safety. The safety of the mine is important to ensure guarantee of life, therefore generation of overbreak on the mine face affect both profitability and safety status of the mine. All possible means and design must be put in place to mitigated and control the generation of overbreak during blasting operation. Rock mass with existing fractures and joint set likely become detrimental in the present of overbreak fracture, such become unstable and can undergo plane or wedge failure if all require conditions are fulfilled. The ore require high grade status to guarantee high economic value, external dilution resulting from overbreak may increase dilution resulting into increase in haulage cost and processing cost. Overbreak floor also support the out flow of ground water into the mine and demanding for de-watering operation if not result into Acid Mine Drainage or total closure of mine. Overbreak can therefore be control from the Pre-blasting stage which involve proper understanding of the ore deposit geological condition, ground water condition, explosive material knowledge among others. Special blasting techniques like pre-splitting, post splitting, line hole, cushion blasting, air decking among others can also be use to control overbreak in mine wall, toe and face. 
 Keywords: Blast, overbreak, fragmentation

The profitability of blasting operation depends upon the ability of the Mining Engineer to produce fragment size distribution as close as possible to the optimal range for downstream operations. In addition, from practical standpoint, oversize is defined as size ranges greater than the crusher’s gape and therefore requires secondary breakage before further handling. In most hard rock mining methods, drilling and blasting are the most widely used method of fragmenting the rock for handling (transportation and stock-piling) (sang and Katsuhiko, 2004). Sang and Katsuhiko, (2004) noted that, an optimal blast is that which yields the specified fragmentation size distribution at safe, economic and environmental friendly manner. On the other hand, a poorly conducted blast would typically end in poor fragmentation and may generate adverse effects like fly rocks, ground vibration, air blast and back break (Nassib et al, 2016). Nassib et al, (2016) also discovered that blasting operation is capital intensive due to the following; need for rock mass reduction to smaller size ranges, efficient use of explosive energy at high safety level; and control of blasting to avoid oversize materials. Therefore, there is need for proper blasting optimization using the controllable factors which can be predicted using machine learning packages and other empirical formula (Tiile, 2016).    

The primary requisites for any blast design is to ensure optimum results for existing operating conditions, possesses adequate flexibility and comparatively simple to use (Muhammad, 2009). Several factors affect the output of a blast, these factors can be generally classified into two; uncontrollable factors and controllable factors.  Uncontrollable factors are those that the blast designer has no direct control over. They are controlled by the intrinsic (DIANE) properties of the in-situ rock formation or ore deposit to be blasted. According to Konya and Walter (1990), these factors include: geology, rock characteristics, regulations as well as the distance to the nearest structures. These limitations usually require that the blaster makes correct modification to a standard design to fit the conditions of the in-situ rock conditions.

2. Blast OVerbreak  

Overbreak and under-break induced by drilling and blasting method |  Download Scientific Diagram 

Fig 1. Theory of blast Overbreak   

The chance of breaking rock beyond the design reference is highly possible during Blasting operation. This is known as overbreak, when the Explosive energy fractures the rock beyond the bench width. This is highly dangerous and even disastrous to both safely and profitability.Deep deposits are mined in benches to ensure easy access to the pit and support of multiple operations within the mine. The pit benches are design such that the height is higher than the loader boom height and selected base on geological condition and grade Control constraints.  Each bench width is designed such that it accommodate truck turning radius and it overall width, this is done with high consideration of grade Control and geological condition also to ensure discontinuity daylight is not supported and likewise external dilution is not supported. With all this in mind, the access road to the pit called ramp is also design, each with consideration width (Be in expectant of my lecture on pit design and ramp design). Over breaking the bench width beyond this design width will compromise the safely in place of bench wall stability and also affect production in place of dilution and poor fragmentation. 
Fig 2. Site view of Overbreak effect on mine toe (After
2.1 How overbreak occurred during Blasting
Muhammad, (2009) establish that blast design usually aimed at providing adequate fragmentation and ensuring that loading, haulage and subsequent processing is accomplished at the lowest possible cost. However, for optimum and efficient blasting performance, it is essential to consider critically the rock mass intrinsic properties. Rocks are usually characterized by several properties. The nature and properties of the rock mass vary sharply over short distance. It is therefore important that the influence of the rock mass parameters must be understood during the blast design process (Bhandari, 1997).
Overbreak begins from the blast design point, selection of Minimum burden distance must be done with good decision and rock condition justification. One important parameters that support overbreak is the wall burden distance. If this is small then the implication is to produce overbreak beyond the bench wall. Such occur because the Explosive energy (shock wave) is under use within the wall and have sufficient strength to proceed slabbing into the wall. Since slabbing is extend into the wall explosion will definitely fall rock beyond the wall Konya and Walter (1990). This follows the law of conservation of energy directly.
Other factor is the powder factor, this is the quantity of explosive designated to fracture a ton of the rock, this depends strictly on the charge weight per hole.
Pf = charge per hole ÷ Tonnage of rock fragment per hole 
From my short study of jack hammer drilling and Blasting operation, a single hole of jack hammer blasted is expected to produce nothing less than one (1) ton of the rock. Meaning if 5 holes are blasted,ore than 5Ton capacity truck will be produced. In situation where at the last hole row, the Explosive weight is more than that to fracture within the holes area o influence then, the unused Energy will definitely be use to overbreak the wall and create problem.
It's important to know that during Blasting of a single hole the burden is divided into two and distributed at the four cardinal direction of the hole to form the area of influence around the hole. Each blast generated energy from Explosive exothermic reaction is expected to be active within this area of influence. Placing our blast holes at the last bench edge should be done with respect to this understanding. This area of influence is define by 1ft/ms of shock energy traveling and it correspondence to the gas Energy explosion time and Rick casing time according to scholars research work in 1970s.  Explosive  shock and gas energy will always be active provided the area of influence is still yet completed. Over breaking in rock mass is easy to control when the place of understanding the blast parameters balancing is fulfilled. This can be prevent by increasing the burden distance.
Nevertheless, if design burden distance is much,  the implication is that,blast charge initiated will have more of the energy contained within the designated region thereby producing back-break or under-break as shown in Fig 1 which generate more oversize. Oversize or  Large Particle size materials  requires secondary Blasting or hydraulic breaker to Re-break the rock. This form a source of additional cost and waste of time which any company will never want.
Another factor that causes overbreak is rock mass Anisotropic and heterogenous nature. Rock consist of various Mineral composition, the response of each mineral components to Explosive energy is different due to their Strength and hardness variation (Bhandari, 1997). This heterogeneity nature makes rock and ore deposit Anisotropic to explosive energy. As a result of the this there will be change in fracturing along the rock wall. For instance, formation containing dyke or sill which are both geological intrusion, this intrusion according to the principle of intrusion which states that, "the rock been intruded is older than the intrusion itself". With the understanding of this principle if all things been equal in absent of weathering and leaching, the intrusion (dyke, batholith, laccolith among others) are proved to have higher strength than the old rock been intruded especially in case of metamorphosed carbonate rocks (marble and dolomite). Blasting such rock, understanding the geology of the area and deposit, with proper strata test, geotechnical mapping work  and observation during drilling will help to put good charge design in place to handle any variation in rock stratigraphy and lithology.
Other factors include discontinuity, Explosive property and conditions, misfire among others which I will explain in my full article.
2.2 Effect of Overbreak 
Some of overbreak effect are:
1. Produce rough bench wall
2. Support external dilution
3. Support slope and wall failure
4. Poor fragmentation and non uniform size distribution among other 
2.3 Ways to control and prevent overbreak
1. Proper Blasting design: making balance in blast parameters (burden, spacing, stemming length e.t.c.) Design
2. Proper study of formation geology and lithology during Drilling: This require the implementation of drilling log in mine, the drilling team should provide information of each holes clearly as observes during Drilling and from the drill cutting. Such include interception depth at which a hole lithology changes, the strength variation with depth as indicated by Penetration rate During drilling, collar condition and others.
3. Discontinuity information and joint set mapping to understand the insitu rock stability and competency status.
4. The place of powder factor control is also important and place of drill hole row alignment with design.
5. Preventive measure against misfire such has Explosive checking, proper loading and connection, hole water status checking e t.c should be intact.
The safety of the mine is important to ensure guarantee of life, therefore generation of overbreak on the mine face affect both profitability and safety status of the mine. All possible means and design must be put in place to mitigated and control the generation of overbreak during blasting operation. Rock mass with existing fractures and joint set likely become detrimental in the present of overbreak fracture, such become unstable and can undergo plane or wedge failure if all require conditions are fulfilled. The ore require high grade status to guarantee high economic value, external dilution resulting from overbreak may increase dilution resulting into increase in haulage cost and processing cost. Overbreak floor also support the out flow of ground water into the mine and demanding for de-watering operation if not result into Acid Mine Drainage or total closure of mine. Overbreak can therefore be control from the pre-blasting stage which involve proper understanding of the ore deposit geological condition, ground water condition, explosive material knowledge among others. Special blasting techniques like pre-splitting, post splitting, line hole, cushion blasting, air decking among others can also be use to control overbreak in mine wall, toe and face.  

[1]           Sang Ho, C. and Katsuhiko K. (2004). Rock Fragmentation Control in Blasting. The Mining

        and Materials Processing Institute of Japan , pp. 1722 to 1730.

[2]          Tiile, R. N. (2016). Artificial neural network approach to predict blast-induced ground

        vibration, Airblast and rock Fragmentation . Masters Theses. 7571.

[3]           Muhammed, A. R. ( 2009). The Effect of Fragmentation Specification on Blasting Cost.

  Unpublished MSc Thesis Report, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada , pp.192-    


[4]           Konya, C. J. and Walter, E. J.  ( 1990). Surface Blast Design. Prentice-Hall Inc., New Jersey,

  USA , pp 125.

[5]          Bhandari, S. (1997). Engineering Rock Blasting Operations. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam,

        Brookfield , pp 375

Friday, September 24, 2021


Undergraduates time is a time to discover who you are! A time to change you level and know the level you belong. Not all about the lecture you are able to receive now, but about what you are able to retain. You need to know this early, so it will not be late. There is a grace that help a man to study, to know, to excel and to win on campus. The issue and challenge is not the lecturer, is not about your head but the limitation is knowledge.
Knowledge about what is available is important, what you have will always remain in you until you unveil it. The grace of the Lord that brings salvation had appear unto all men.. Titus 3:11
You have heard about the great things the Lord did and is doing in my life even when I was still in FUTA as an undergraduate, how I receive grace to defeat many courses and have A's, how I overcome the war of many exam and outrun marking guide by the help of the holy spirit. I don't want you to be ignorant of what God is able to do if you trust HIM and live for HIM, this is why I write to you.
if you believe in HIM and present your life as a platform for him to glorify HIMSELF, you will become another Giant Miner.
The secret behind all you hear about me is this, my desire is always:
*That the LORD Be glorify, even in my Academic, that HIS greatness be visible to man, that my life should be a crystal reflecting is Glory, that I should be a question that lead to what God can do through a man* This is my testimony!!
Not I but GOD, not I but HIS Glory should be revealed in my Academic by HIS mercy.
This is my heart cry always.
I received strange grace that change my life, Strange grace that teaches me, a strange grace that strengthen me, a strange grace that cancel test for my sake, a strange grace that I call unto in the exam and he answers me and tell me what the lecturer likes to see, a strange grace that direct me to what I need to read, a strange grace that opens my eye to see what others can't see, this same grace is what I want you to ask for and wear like a coat just as Joseph wears the coat of many colors given to him by Jacob his father.
Many met me and tap grace, I  give within me just as I am given freely and I give just as I was given, but I think their is yet another measure, because the grace told me their is still another level in Him I am yet to touch. Greater level I am yet to experience. This is what I desire for you, that greater than what I touch you touch double portion, hundred and thousands portion in Jesus name.
By Giant Miner: 
There is a secret that make life, a secret that is hidden from men, a secret many who live just for the things in this world will never know.
It please GOD to help us, He Gave us all we want but we still want what we have...
The secret is Christ in you, the hope of GLORY. Don't be deceived, life is vanity, you can't get all the money in this world even if you have a place to store it. It is time you start building a place for your self after life, what is life that man pay all his time building, life is a piece of paper that become soften when water encounters it... What can I compare life with....
 Life is a pice of matches, when you light it, it glows and shine light but after time has passed, it become darken. The life we are given was a golden ring in a darken shield, you go for the gold and loss destiny to the shield, what is life? a chance to trade, a chance to pay, a chance to look and find nothing to pay for, a time to pay for what you can see, a time to pay for what you can't see or think about! Life is a grass when one is cut another arose again, life is like a new cloth you behold the color at the first sight but wash it away with a matter of time. Life is what you live for if you are here on Earth as a slave, life is what you sell to others if you are here in Earth as a son
 Life is a lot, a deep pit where many content loaded fellow will fall, life is like a flower coming forth from the pod like a new baby, a time to fall for life like a young man Falling in love, a time to see life with a beautiful face as a lady whose hand is held into marriage, a time to sleep at one edge of life like a woman sleeping at one edge of her bed, backing her husband and having many things to attend to in the stope of her mind. Life is like soil, it comes out of rock and at the time of it's burial give birth to Rock, life is just what you keep buildinging like a dome of salt, every situation and circumstances have sufficient heat to melt it down. Life is like your bank accouni, It increase today and decrease tomorrow because everyday have sufficient deposit of resources sucker.
Dear friend, fellow students, dear brother and sisters, life is like a light, a light from the sun that shine forth in the morning time at sun rise and goes down in The evening time at sun set. There is a time in life when you need others light to see, there is a time in life when you need others light to shine, there is a time in life when you shine as a light, there is a time when others need your light to shine, there is a time in life when you need others to initiate your light. life is like an aeroplane, it takes off from the lond later return back to the land. When you take off, remember you are once in the floor level, when you get to the top remember you are once running the track, when you take off remember you are landing soonest. Life is not like the sand of the sea shore that is uncountable, but is limited like a unit course. Life is not like the Star of the universe, you have yours as a running time, the clock moves from 12 and will in due time return back to 12. What are you doing within the 12-12?
Are you living for Christ or for yourself?
Life will laugh out the light in many and leave many to land untimely if not well and properly use.
 Be careful, live like tomorrow is the last day and the judgement day, for a day is coming that all works will be check on the radial of achievement. The works of many will be tested with fire, what will be to yours?
Think about this!

Stay Safe from COVID19 and stay Secured, Corona Virus is Real!!!

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